Getting started with littleBits has never been easier. Base Kit is perfect for kids and younger makers, while not sacrificing the power and flexibility. No soldering, wiring, or programming required!
Recommended Age: 8
Over 150,000 possible circuit combinations
Includes instruction book with 8 projects and hundreds more online
Kit includes 10 modules including favorites like DC motor, dimmer, light sensor, and more
Create popular projects like a Pizza Box Phonograph, Flashlight, Hand Buzzer, and many more!
Master the kit and add new modules when you're ready, each kit will work with every other littleBits module we make
The Base Kit includes everything you need to start designing and prototyping your own interactive creations, including a 9V battery an attractive, re-usable case and the motorMate which makes it super simple to attach wheels, cardboard and other materials to the DC motor. There's also a handy Project Booklet, with step-by-step instructions for 8 great projects like the Art Bot and Three Wheeler.
- 1 Dc Motor
- 1 Buzzer
- 1 Light Sensor
- 1 Bargraph
- 1 Button
- 1 Dimmer
- 1 Power
- 2 Wires
- 1 Bright Led
- motorMate
- screwdriver
- battery cable
- 20 pg. booklet